Newsletter December 2023

On the way to Pachamama 2024...

27 Dez., 2023

Dear Pachamama Family

In this special time between the years, we would like to get back to you with a breath of fresh air.

The Pachamama Festival is a celebration of our Mother Earth - a festival to honour and celebrate life. 
It embodies awareness, connection, inspiration and co-creation. It is about the precious exchange from human being to human being and about family - in small and large ways.

We spent several months looking for a place that embodies all of this and warmly welcomes our Pachamama Family.
In the summer, we found a magical place for our festival, but unfortunately we didn't get the permission from the municipality. 

Now our search may have reached an exciting chapter. We were led to a magical place that is currently resting under a soft blanket of snow.
A sparkling jewel that combines the majestic beauty of the mountains with the loving energy of Pachamama. 

The community is favourably disposed towards us and soon there will be a first meeting with the various guardians of the land.

You will hear from us as soon as there is news about the Pachamama Festival 2024!

We thank you for your support & trust and look forward to travelling together in the new year.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you magical “Rauhnächte" and a wonderful new year!

May this transitional period bring all of us peace, clarification of our visions and the strength to realise them. 

With loving anticipation and festive greetings

Pachamama Festival Team


We hope that the Pachamama Festival will take place from July 17 to 21, 2024. 



Pachamama Festival, Oltingen
CH22 0900 0000 1524 1555 9

© Pachamama Festival 2024